A few little anecdotes from the past week..
Swimming: Done!
Rosie completed her last swimming lesson of the term today! Swimming was something Connor and I were really keen to do with Rosie from a young age, and we are so glad we did. As much as some people think it's too early, Rosie has taken to the water so well and is really confident on her lessons. I listed in a previous post things she has learnt and I'm so proud of her. We have enrolled in the next set of lessons and we hope to continue with it until Rosie stops enjoying it.
Connor's home
Yay! Connor has been away for 4 weeks so to have him back on Friday was lovely. I talk to Rosie about Daddy all the time when he's away and once they were reunited it was as if he'd never left. Obviously a trip to the Disney shop was in order, and we came home with a Daisy Duck teddy to match her Minnie Mouse.
Taylor's farm shop
This is really random but my friend Nicole told me about this little shop in Lathom that has a little butchers that sells marinated chicken, stir fry's and different cooked meats etc. I vowed when connor went away last that I wouldn't eat any take out food until he was home (so hard when you love Chinese) and I pretty much cooked one of the different meals you can get from here every night for the 4 weeks he was away. Apart from a couple of Nando's I didn't have any take aways and I lost 10lbs. Just another 1563849lbs to go ha. I'm so grateful Nicole told me about this hidden gem! It's really helping me with losing my baby weight.
My mum hasn't been well
This week my mum has been off work with a bad chest infection. She never takes time off work so I knew she mustn't have been feeling well. Today we took her some flowers and chocolate before Rosie's swimming lesson to cheer her up. You only get one mum and I would be lost without mine, so I'm hoping she feels better in the next few days.
Rosie sponsored a dog
So myself and Rosie went to the retail park last week only to be stopped by a man from the Dog's Trust. I always seem to find myself in situations where I can't say no to charities etc, so when he asked did 'Rosie' want to sponsor a doggy for £2 a week I ended up signing us up for it. If I'm honest, he won me over by saying he had Staffordshire Bull Terriers that needed sponsoring which of course is what we have, and that Rosie would get a birthday and valentines card off her doggy if she was still sponsoring then. Yes I am so naive but I fell for it hook, line and sinker. Rosie's dog is called Molly and she should receive a welcome pack through in the next few weeks. Yes I know he's played me but he was old and talking about dogs I really couldn't have said no. I know I won't miss £2 a week for a few months and if it's going to a good cause then I don't really mind. I thought Connor would go mad because I can't say no to these things but luckily we won him over with this picture..
Thanks for reading x

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