If you don't follow me on social media, then you may be wondering why I have been AWOL from my blog for the past 3 weeks. Sorry about that! I thought I'd write a little update to quickly fill you in..
So if you do follow me on Instagram and Twitter, you'll know that I've been away on holiday for 23 days. It seems so long when I say it like that but it has flown! I went to America with Connor, on an organised trip with Trek America. I can honestly say it has been the holiday of a lifetime, I'm so lucky!
We travelled down the west coast visiting places like San Francisco, Las Vegas and The Grand Canyon. I'm hoping to do a few travel posts so keep an eye out for those if you want to know anything about the trip in more detail. We were camping for over two weeks of this holiday, with very little Wifi (crying face) which is why I was unable to upload blog posts. To be honest I was having such an amazing time though, it was nice to have a complete break from work and blogging.
I did actually write a few blog posts in the notes on my phone on the days were we had long drives, but me being me lost my phone in the Grand Canyon therefore I can't upload them just yet! (I say just yet because someone found my phone and is shipping it over to me.. Lucky I know!)
I obviously have to mention something else that happened whilst we were away.. We got engaged! I literally got the biggest shock of my life when we hiked up to Angel's Landing at Zion National Park at a stupidly early time, to see Connor get down on one knee and ask me to marry him. It was perfect and of course I said yes!
Anyway, that's my little life update! I'm back home now, and I can't wait to get back into my normal blogging routine. I have lots of new content coming up including a Sephora Haul and hopefully something extra special in the next couple of weeks!
I hope you liked this post, I'm currently jet lagged and binge watching Love Island to catch up haha! Happy Sunday!
Thanks for reading x

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