10 beauty questions.. 10 honest answers..
I was tagged last week by the lovely Ellie to answer these questions surrounding beauty and blogging, and I thought it would be a nice change from the usual Sunday post. I've linked lots of other bloggers below too so it's a good way to find new blogs to read. I hope you like it!
1. What is a beauty tip you would like to share?
Prime, prime, prime! My makeup always stays put so much longer when I have primed first. My favourites are the Smashbox Matte primer or the Mac Cosmetics Prep&Prime in Natural Radiance.
2. If you could tell your 16 year old self anything about beauty, what would it be?
To be honest, at 16 I didn't really wear makeup. Maybe a tiny bit of mascara but I was always too scared of what people would think if I suddenly started wearing a full face! So maybe my advice would be to not care about what other people think, if you want to slap it on, then do it! (just make sure you match your base to your skin tone and blend out those creases haha!).
3. What is your go-to foundation?
I'm currently trying out the Loreal Infallible Sculpt foundation which is lovely, but I do always go back to Studio Fix by Mac. If I fancy a more dewy look, I opt for Nars Luminous Weightless.
4. What is your nighttime skin regime?
I'm still loving the Nip & Fab Dragon's Blood Fix Plumping cleanse pads and serum! They replenish the skin leaving it feeling really clean and nourished. I've also been using my Clarasonic once a week, too. I plan to do a full post on that soon..
5. What beauty product can you not live without?
Mascara! Preferably Too Faced's Better Than Sex.
6. What bloggers inspire you?
I love to read Victoria's blog from InTheFrow. Not only is she passionate about the things she writes about, but also in providing quality content.
I also love Georgina's blog RentOrChanel and Em's which is Sarcasm&Style.
7. How long have you been writing your beauty blog and why did you start it?
I started my blog in February 2015 after toying with the idea for about a year (ha). Connor told me to just start it and see how far I get. So far so good!
8. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
For work, 20 minutes including hair and makeup. For anything else, about 45 minutes to an hour depending on if my eyeliner is working with me or against me haha.
9. Statement lip or statement eye?
Eye! If you don't know already, I love a nude or pale lip, so definitely would prefer a smoky eye instead.
10. Are there any beauty looks that you are ashamed of?
Not that I can think of, although I did go to a family party in November and somehow forgot to apply mascara to my bottom lashes (don't ask). I was mortified!
I hope you enjoyed this slightly different post! I've tagged a 10 other beauty bloggers below and left them some questions. Happy Sunday!
Laura Hitchen - LauraHitchenMakeup
Alex Redfearn - ChampagneandLemonade
Victoria McGrath - Inthefrow
Georgina - RentOrChanel
Emma - WhatEmmaDid
Rebecca - DaisyDew
Laura - WhatLauraLoves
Anoushka - AnoushkaLoves
Hannah Rose - SecretsofaRose
Laura Beth - AlittleBitOfLaura
1. What is one product you couldn't live without?
2. Name your 3 favourite brands.
3. What is your current skincare routine?
4. What is your top tip for perfecting winged liner?
5. What is your favourite MAC lipstick?
6. Matte or shimmer?
7. Can you recommend an all round, versatile palette?
8. Why did you start blogging?
9. Are there any beauty looks you are ashamed of?
10. What is your top tip for blogging?
Thanks for reading x

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