I always jump on any opportunity to meet someone who I think can enhance my knowledge on makeup or blogging. So when I was invited along to the Manchester Arndale Centre for a private masterclass and Q&A with Jamie Genevieve I was so excited!
It was a Friday night, so I had rushed home from work, rolled around in highlighter and shot out of the door with Connor en route to Manchester. If you watch Jamie's Youtube channel you will understand the highlight comment!
I met up with some other lovely bloggers were we chatted and sipped on Proscecco before heading over to see Jamie. She was actually there for the weekend for the Manchester Made Up event - which hosted different beauty brands for people to have their makeup and hair done - a fab idea! If I wasn't working the rest of the weekend I'd definitely have been there.
If you don't know who Jamie is, I'll quickly explain. She's the most highlighted makeup queen in all of the land. No but really, she's a beauty Youtuber and Makeup Artist who is steadily becoming a known name in the Youtube and blogging world. Her strong Glaswegian accent matches her dry Scottish sense of humour perfectly and I instantly wanted to be best friends with her.
Jamie's makeup masterclass was modelled by the lucky Instagram competition winner, who seemed to idolise Jamie as much as I do. I quickly grabbed a cupcake and found a spot near the front, ready to absorb as much beauty info as I could from Jamie herself.
Once she had completed the Masterclass, we then got the chance to pick her brain for any beauty tips and tricks. I asked her what quite a few people have emailed me asking, which is how to keep your makeup in place all day. Luckily for me she answered in the same way! She recommended setting sprays and powders to set liquid makeup. Another great tip that may seem obvious, is to not touch your face! I'm absolutely murder for touching my face without realising!
After asking every question we could think of, it was time to go home. We each were given a little goody bag from the event and got to play in the photo booth (disaster for unphotogenic me) and chat to Jamie one on one before we left. Obviously I had to get a selfie with her! She's just beaut.
I snapchatted this event! - HayleyWilliamss
I hope you liked this post! Let me know which Makeup Artists inspire you in the comments below.
Thanks for reading x

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