So I've been meaning to review this Moisture Surge collection now for so long! As with all my creams and cleansers, it's only when I'm running out of it and thinking of repurchasing when I actually remember to write about it. My bad..
Anyway, I have to be honest and say I am gutted to be running out of these now! This is the Clinique Moisture Surge Collection. My nan bought me the set back in June for my birthday, which includes a Moisture Surge over night mask, an eye cream and a day moisturiser.

The main item in the Moisture Surge collection is the Extended Thirst Relief day cream. I found I mainly used this on the days which I hadn't used the night cream before, mainly because I didn't feel as though I needed it after the mask. The day cream is a really lovely texture, it feels almost bouncy on the skin and massages in really easily and quickly. I love that with day creams because the last thing I want to be doing in the morning is rubbing it in for ages. It isn't greasy at all either which for me is a massive pet hate in moisturisers!
I was wearing this under my make up everyday and my skin didn't feel as dried out by my foundation and powder. If anything, I felt as though I had more of a glow than usual. We all love a good glow, don't we?!
This eye cream was very similar to the day cream with its texture, being really light and easy to work into the skin. I used this on days were I felt tired, and sometimes before bed when I had ran out of the mask. My mum did comment one day when I had this on that my face looked fresh which is always a good sign! I do suffer from dark circles and so I try to hide them with makeup as much as I can, but finding something that gives me less to hide makes me very happy haha. 

My favourite was definitely the overnight mask, it was really creamy and thick which is what I like in an overnight mask because I feel as though it really has time to soak in over night. All in my head, I know. I feel as though this was like a red bull drink for my face that was drank over night and left it feeling energized the morning after. I did find that my skin was super smooth and hydrated when I woke up, resulting in me grabbing Connor's hand to feel my silky skin haha. It was a real, 'I WOKE UP LIKE THIS' moment. We flawless.
I took this picture in June with a plan to eat my popcorn and blog about the products, I'm not going to lie, I lay in bed eating the popcorn watching Netflix. We're all friends here I'm not going to lie! It's pretty though so naturally it was being featured on the blog haha.
Have you tried this collection yet? Do you recommend any other eye creams or moisturisers?
Thanks for reading x

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